Then and Now: The Journey to Mental Impressions

I tend to lean towards a more scholarly style of article writing for Mental Impressions, I feel that it gives more to the reader and allows the writing to function primarily as an informative piece. I realize this technically is a blog of sorts and part of the fun of a blog is getting to be a little more personal, which allows you, as the reader, to get a better sense of who I am and what I represent. I’d like to start writing a post every so often that is a little more laid back and informal; something that allows us to have a little more fun.

One of the things I’ve enjoyed on my way to achieving everything that I desire for my life is getting to better understand and know the people I’ve found online to learn from and grow with. It’s amazing the world we live in, you can never meet someone and in some cases never even see someone and still get to know them so well through instant access to their views, practices, philosophies, and opinions . Most of the people I have found in the world of self-help are very genuine and it shows; you know as you watch their videos and read their literature that you’re getting to know them. I’ve been very blessed to come across some of the people that I have; most of whom will be mentioned on mentalimpressions[dot]com often and of course our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages as well. We’re going to have many more exciting resources coming soon to help you on your journey of self-discovery and improvement, while you move onward to success in every area of your life. We’re going to have plenty of new things to discover and our YouTube channel is currently being developed, we’re also working on a podcast to start some open discussions about success and may even do a few live versions allowing you to Tweet or maybe email in some questions and comments. I’m personally really excited because this project is the culmination of many years of hard, focused work.

I originally had the idea for Mental Impressions in 2012, within days I knew the company name, logo, slogan, product/service mix, and how I would share it all with the world. I also saw all of the studying and work I would need to do to make it a reality and develop the key ingredient to Mental Impressions; the secret to my success and growth to that point and ever since. It was a simple concept but required precision and dedication to craft it into a tool I felt comfortable sharing. I wanted to be tried, tested and true; I wanted to test and observe it in my own life and others’ to understand how it really functioned and how to make sure it worked for everyone. I spent many years prior to 2012 studying and exploring, about six all told, really hitting it hard trying to figure out what everyone else knew that I didn’t and why my life had been a struggle for so long. Was I really just born on the wrong side of the tracks? No, I knew it couldn’t be that, but still we moved to the right side of the tracks for high school and here I was after graduating stuck wondering, how? I had all these desires, I knew all these things that I was destined to do, but I couldn’t see how. Honestly, it was pretty overwhelming for some time. I spent a large portion of ‘every so often’ convincing myself to continue on despite all “they” had to say and despite all I had to say; that’s when things really changed for me, when I realized what I was saying and how it had been affecting me to that point. It hit me out of nowhere, just a flash of inspiration in my mind and suddenly I could see all that I had been doing to stop myself and more importantly all I needed to do to change it. I started to pick apart myself and my actions, my thoughts and my feelings, the very nature and essence of every single thing that popped into my head. I don’t recommend doing this, but I’m stubborn and for me it was a prerequisite for success. I had to understand every single ounce of every single drop of every single thing so I could explain it AND this is really important, be right! 🙂 This took an intense amount of self-development and learning to achieve and I’m still tweaking it and perfecting my methods daily. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, self-improvement is a life long journey, not a point of arrival.

When I started working towards Mental Impressions and being able to share it with the world I never could have imagined how intense of a journey it would have taken me on. Even though I could see all that needed to be done, to make Mental Impressions a reality, I had no way of knowing then that it would take three years of hard work to reach the culmination of my ideas. For whole chunks of time I was forced to set aside the project and focus completely on something else, either to grow, provide, or sometimes both. Every moment of my life became a learning experience, a series of causes and effects and deep understandings into the whys within me and around me. I watched success unfold, fully blossom and, in some cases fizzle off. This success was in my life and in the lives of those around me, I spent a few years of my life just observing others and how the principles I was learning and developing for Mental Impressions related to different individuals from all walks of life. I see myself as a friend to all and have for most my life, so I have a really diverse group of people in my life that have allowed me to spend hours picking their brains and observing their achievements. I learned valuable lessons that stuck from great men like Napoleon Hill, who taught me countless things among his various books, including studying failure to find success. When I first began reading Hill’s Think and Grow Rich I had no idea how important this was, up until then I had shamefully put my tail between my legs whenever past endeavors of mine were brought up, ‘past’ implying failure. As I read I started to realize, “I’ve done this”, “I’ve been here”. No one had ever laid it out for me so clearly but here it was and the most important takeaway I got was the ability to look back for takeaways…what happened here and why; there and why? And then, of course, how can I fix it and ensure success in the future? Each new lesson learned brought me to a new one as if the University of Life that is taught by the universe was following me around and inside my mind instructing me every step of the way and where a gap existed, quickly filling it with new knowledge and teachers.

I think it happens differently for everyone, we’re all different, we’re all unique and I’ve observed that uniqueness in development and growth also. It’s the reason learning can be a challenge at times; we really do need experience to learn. This can be seen by all the great success, self-help, and improvement authors through their abundant use of real life examples. Take a minute to look at any of the greats: Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, Jack Canfield, W. Clement Stone, Tony Robbins; the list goes on and on, they all use real life examples to connect to us and help us understand so that we may grow and develop. That’s our mission here at Mental Impressions to help you understand so that you may grow and develop; and we plan on doing that by offering as many tools, techniques, teachings, and resources as we can; by connecting you with as many great thinkers, authors, and teachers as we can so you can see it from every angle possible and understand it as thoroughly as possible. Over the past nine years I have searched high and low for answers to many questions; we want Mental Impressions to be the hub or gateway to all the tools and resources you need to succeed in every area of life. A fully stocked garage; you know the guy everyone is impressed with because they have literally everything you need to fix anything ever. That’s what Mental Impressions is intended to be, not just a blog, or a brand, or a service, an everything you need one-stop shop to get yourself where you want to be and get there as quick as your will and determination can get you there, because with Mental Impressions there is no excuse. Now, we know we’ve got some work to do to get there and we’re excited about it. We’re hoping every one of you will help us build it and mold it into a place to go from good to great, a place that has all the tools you need for the job.

As always thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post and will enjoy everything we have in store for you. Go have a great day and remember the motto I always tell my daughter, Ariana “Keep trying and you’ll always win!”

I didn’t leave you hanging, that tool that I mentioned I had been working on is coming soon and as soon as it does signing up for the mentalimpressions[dot]com newsletter will ensure you’re one of the first to know about it. It’s going to be free for everyone and as always we’ll keep your info just between us! Have a blessed day!


About the Author:

Christopher A. Aseltine has over 15 years of entrepreneurial experience across several different industries. For the past 9 years he has been delving into the world of self-help and success. He has always had a passion for helping others, counseling and helping friends and family from a young age. Christopher has decided to take the knowledge and experience he has gained over the last decade and a half and present it all in one place in order to reach and help the broadest audience possible.

Christopher is married to his wife, Nicole, with two children, Ariana and Ace. He enjoys music and plays several instruments. His life’s passion is business and marketing. He is enthusiastic, fun-loving, and can sometimes be a bit over the top, although those that know him well might say always over the top. His hope and goal with Mental Impressions is to use that passion and enthusiasm to serve others well.

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